Iga Bakar Si Jangkung Menu and Prices in Indonesia 2024

Iga Bakar Si Jangkung Menu Indonesia

Iga Bakar Si Jangkung has menu items in Iga Bakar, Sate & Tongseng, Kresengan, Nasi Goreng, Frozen, Menu Tambahan, Minuman, Mie Kocok Den Bagus, Es Campur Pak Oyen, Es Campur Pak Oyen and Tengkleng in Indonesia.

Iga Bakar Si Jangkung is one of the most popular Kresengan restaurants in Indonesia.

The menu at Iga Bakar Si Jangkung offers a wide variety of options, including both traditional Indonesian dishes and more Westernized fare.

Prices at Iga Bakar Si Jangkung are very reasonable, especially considering the quality of the food on offer.

Iga Bakar Si Jangkung Indonesia Menu Price

Iga Bakar Si Jangkung FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

  • What are the Iga Bakar Si Jangkung menu prices near me?

    Iga Bakar Si Jangkung has menu item prices between Rp2500 and Rp60000. Menu items range from lowest priced item Es Teh Tawar to highest priced item Tengkleng Sapi.
    The price range of the menu of Iga Bakar Si Jangkung at the store generally varies between:

    • Rp2500 - Rp60000

  • What is Iga Bakar Si Jangkung Indonesia Website Link?

    Iga Bakar Si Jangkung Indonesia official website is https://www.instagram.com/iga_bakar_si_jangkung/

Iga Bakar Si Jangkung Menu Categories